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12 Agustus 2010

Tongkonan, Rumah Adat Toraja yang Berusia 700 Tahun

Tongkonan, Rumah Adat Toraja yang Berusia 700 Tahun
Bertamu, Ketuk Pintu Dulu Pakai Kepala

Sebut Tana Toraja, orang akan membayangkan rumah adatnya yang unik. Orang Toraja menyebutnya tongkonan. Keunikan tongkonan itulah, salah satu, yang menarik wisatawan berkunjung ke kabupaten di Sulawesi Selatan tersebut.

Laporan KASMAN, Makale
Untuk menuju Tana Toraja, pelancong bisa menggunakan pesawat terbang tujuan Makassar. Dari Jakarta, diperlukan dua jam perjalanan ke ibu kota Sulsel itu.

Setiba di Bandara Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar, perjalanan menuju Tana Toraja bisa dilakukan dengan bus. Sebetulnya, kita bisa juga menggunakan pesawat terbang ke Bandara Pongtiku di Toraja. Hanya perlu 40 menit penerbangan dari Bandara Sultan Hasanuddin ke Bandara Pongtiku.

Problemnya, penerbangan Makassar-Tana Toraja itu hanya tersedia sekali dalam sepekan dengan pesawat jenis Cassa. Bila menggunakan bus, perjalanan dari Makassar ke Makale, ibu kota Tana Toraja, membutuhkan waktu sekitar delapan jam melintasi jalur berbukit-bukit.

Di Kota Makale, tongkonan asli tidak mudah ditemukan. Untuk melihat tongkonan dengan bentuk dan bahan aslinya, kita harus pergi ke luar kota. Beberapa daerah di Toraja masih memiliki tongkonan yang indah. Namun, yang paling diminati wisatawan adalah tongkonan palawa dan tongkonan atap batu.

Tongkonan atap batu terletak di Desa Banga', Kecamatan Rembon, Kabupaten Tana Toraja. Dari Kota Makale, ibu kota Kabupaten Tana Toraja, kita harus menempuh perjalanan 10 kilometer ke arah barat. Tapi, tidak perlu khawatir. Jalan menuju Desa Banga' cukup mulus.

Sekilas, tongkonan yang disakralkan warga itu tampak biasa-biasa saja. Ukurannya 3 x 10 meter, tidak terlalu luas untuk sebuah tongkonan. Namun, ada beberapa hal pada bangunan yang diyakini berusia 700 tahun itu yang tidak akan ditemukan pada tongkonan lain. Karena keunikannya, Pemkab Tana Toraja melalui pemerintah pusat mengusulkan tongkonan tersebut masuk daftar warisan budaya dunia UNESCO.

Seperti sebutannya, salah satu keunikannya terletak pada atap yang terbuat dari batu pahatan berbentuk segi empat. Tebal tiap batu atap itu 5 sentimeter dengan lebar tiga jengkal orang dewasa.

Di ujung batu atap tersebut ada dua lubang kecil di sisi kiri dan kanan. Fungsinya, untuk mengikatkan tali rotan yang dilengketkan ke balok kerangka atap. Puncak atap, tempat pertemuan atap sisi kiri dan kanan, ditutup pecahan bambu agar air hujan tidak merembes ke dalam tongkonan.

Jumlah batu yang digunakan sebagai atap tongkonan itu lebih dari seribu. Berat tiap batu atap itu rata-rata 10 kilogram. Berarti, beban atap tongkonan tersebut sekitar 10 ton.

Atap dan badan tongkonan itu ditopang 55 tiang yang seluruhnya terbuat dari kayu. Lantai tongkonan terbuat dari papan dan dindingnya berupa kayu berukir.

Pada tiang depan tongkonan tampak berjajar ratusan tanduk kerbau yang dipotong tiap penghuni tongkonan itu menyelenggarakan pesta adat. Pintu masuknya hanya satu, terletak di bagian tengah sisi kanan bangunan. Untuk masuk ke tongkonan itu, kita harus melewati tangga yang juga terbuat dari kayu.

Tertarik melihat bagian dalam tongkonan? Bisa. Cukup mengetuk pintu tiga kali, siapa saja boleh masuk. Ah, biasa. Di mana-mana, yang namanya tamu memang mesti mengetuk pintu dulu, kan?

Tunggu dulu. Sebab, justru itulah salah satu keunikan tongkonan tua tersebut. Kita tidak boleh mengetuk pintu dengan tangan. Harus pakai kepala. "Kalau tidak mengikuti aturan itu, pengunjung biasanya mengalami kecelakaan saat pulang. Bahkan, ada pengunjung yang jatuh sakit karena masuk rumah tanpa permisi," tutur Dorkas, pemilik tongkonan kuno tersebut.

Saat ini tongkonan itu dihuni Ne' Toyang, janda berusia 110 tahun. Ne' Toyang menghuni tongkonan itu bersama putri ketiganya, Dorkas. "Bapak saya bernama Sara', sudah meninggal. Sekarang tinggal Ibu (Ne' Toyang) dan cucu-cucu. Jumlahnya 140 orang," tutur Dorkas.

Menurut dia, Nenek Toyang yang kini menghuni tongkonan itu adalah turunan kesepuluh dari penghuni pertama. Menurut cerita turun-temurun, yang pertama membuat dan menghuni tongkonan itu adalah nenek Buntu Batu.

"Ibu saya yang sekarang menghuni tongkonan ini sudah turunan kesepuluh. Usia ibu saya 110 tahun. Turunan kedua hingga kesembilan kami lupa namanya. Ibu saya hanya bilang bahwa tongkonan ini berusia 700 tahun lebih," papar Dorkas.

Saat akan masuk ke tongkonan itu, penulis juga diharuskan mengetuk pintu dengan kepala. "Tidak usah keras-keras, nanti sakit. Yang penting ada suaranya," kata Dorkas.

Di dalam tongkonan itu ada kamar persis di sebelah kanan pintu. Di kamar itu Dorkas meminta izin, entah kepada siapa, agar direstui meninjau situasi dalam tongkonan.

Rupanya, keluarga pemilik tongkonan tersebut yakin bahwa tongkonan itu masih dihuni leluhur meski tidak menampakkan diri. "Kalau ada tamu yang langsung naik tanpa permisi, biasa sakit saat pulang," katanya.

Tongkonan itu punya empat kamar dan satu ruang tamu. Namun, di kamar-kamar tersebut tidak ada kasur atau ranjang.

Bagaimana dengan atapnya? Dorkas yang kelahiran 1948 itu menyatakan, sejak dibangun sekitar 700 tahun silam, tongkonan tersebut baru dua kali ganti atap. Pergantian pertama hanya di beberapa titik. Saat itu ada tali rotan pengikat atap yang terputus. "Pergantian kedua dilakukan saat Tana Toraja dilanda gempa bumi. Tapi, saya lupa tahun berapa kejadiannya. Menurut kakek, sebagian besar atap jatuh karena gempa tersebut," katanya.

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11 Agustus 2010

Keunikan Warisan Dunia Toraja Ditampilkan pada Festival Budaya - Wisatawan yang berkunjung untuk menyaksikan potensi seni budaya dan keindahan alam Kabupaten Toraja Utara, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, dapat potongan menginap hingga 50 persen. Selain itu pemerintah daerah setempat juga menggelar Festival Budaya dan Lovely December 2009 , yang puncak pelaksanaannya berlangsung pada tanggal 26 Desember 2009 di Rantepao.  

Bahkan, khusus wartawan, yang ingin melakukan peliputan di Toraja, pihak panitia dan pemerintah setempat, bekerjasama dengan pihak maskapai penerbangan dan pelaku wisata, memberikan fasilitas gratis dan berbagai kemudahan lain. Cara itu ditempuh untuk mengembalikan citra pariwisata Toraja sebagai salah satu daerah tujuan wisata utama Indonesia.
Kenyataan itu diungkapkan Sekda Kabupaten Toraja Utara Lewaran Rantelabi, Direktur Eksekutif Prima Vijaya Indah Tours, Nico B Pasaka, dan didukung Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisara RI, pada jumpa pers, Selasa (8/12) di Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata RI, Jakarta.

Karena dampak krisis ekonomi maupun aksi kerusuhan Poso, pariwisata Toraja yang pernah berjaya di era awal tahun 1990-an, menjadi pudar. Dan dengan telah terbentuknya daerah otonomi Kabupaten Toraja Utara yang berusia satu tahun, 26 November 2009, diharapkan industri pariwisata Toraja kembali bersinar, menjadi daerah tujuan wisata utama di Indonesia, kata Lewaran Rantelabi.

Lewaran menjelaskan, Festival Budaya dan Lovely December 2009 dijadikan titik awal untuk menarik kunjungan wisatawan Nusantara maupun wisatawan mancanegara lebih banyak lagi ke Toraja. Agenda pariwisata berskala internasional ini dijadikan sebagai sarana untuk mempertahankan dan meningkatkan daya saing sektor pariwiwsata serta mendukung suksesnya program tahun kunjungan ke Indonesia.

Nico B Pasaka optimistis, wisatawan ke Toraja dan Indonesia timur umumnya, akan semakin meningkat, menyusul akan dibukanya jalur penerbangan ke Eropa oleh Garuda Indonesia. Ada 218 tour operator Eropa yang menjual Toraja. Untuk itu, pemerintah dan pelaku wisata sudah mulai berbenah kembali. Sapta Pesona kembali dicanangkan, agar masyarakat memberikan pelayanan yang baik kepada wisatawan, katanya.

Secara terpisah, Direktur Jenderal Pemasaran Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, Sapta Nirwandar, mengatakan, dengan pulihnya situasi keamanan pascakerusuhan Poso, Sulawesi Tengah, serta mulai membaiknya kondisi ekonomi global saat ini, diyakini akan mendorong meningkatnya kunjungan wisatawan Nusantara maupun wisatawan mancanegara ke Toraja.

Destinasi Toraja memiliki keunikan budaya yang tidak ditemukan di tempat lain di dunia ini. Toraja pernah menjadi daerah tujuan wisata favorit bagi wisatawan Eropa. Melalui Festival Budaya kita ingin mengangkat kembali daya tarik Toraja sehingga banyak di kunjungi wisatawan, katanya.

Staf Ahli Menbudpar, Titin Sukarya menambahkan, keunikan Toraja merupakan keunikan dan kekayaan budaya dunia. Karena itu, Depbudpar sudah mengajukan Toraja ke Unesco untuk dapat pengakuan sebagai warisan dunia. Tentantive list sudah didapat, tinggal melengkapi criteria-kriteria yang ditetapkan Unesco, tandasnya.
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Tana Toraja Butuh Jaminan Pencitraan - Staf Ahli Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Bidang Multikultural, Sri Rahayu Budiarti menilai pariwisata Tana Toraja butuh jaminan pencitraan yang kondusif. Sri Rahayu dalam kunjungan kerjanya di Makassar, Kamis (22/7/2010) sangat menyayangkan objek wisata Tana Toraja, Sulawesi Selatan yang terkenal dengan keunikan budayanya tidak lagi menjadi primadona negeri ini.

Padahal objek wisata di Toraja cukup dikenal di dunia Internasional bersama dengan objek wisata lainnya di Indonesia seperti Bali dan Yogyakarta. "Dari sejumlah daerah itu, hanya pariwisata Toraja yang sulit berkembang," katanya.

Sebanyak 18 ribu kamar hotel yang tersebar di Toraja, tingkat keterisiannya hanya tercatat sekitar 15 persen per tahun. "Kondisi ini butuh dukungan dari pemerintah daerah maupun stakeholder lainnya, Toraja saat ini hanya membutuhkan jaminan keamanan," pintanya.
Sebab, unsur penting kepariwisataan yang diatur dalam "Sapta Pesona" adalah menghadirkan rasa aman suatu daerah untuk menarik minat kunjungan  tamu asing maupun domestik. "Ini yang sulit, karena aksi kekerasan yang biasanya terjadi di kota Makassar terkadang dianggap berdampak di daerah Tana Toraja. Padahal, jarak Toraja dan Makassar cukup jauh," ujar Sri.

Banyak pihak yang beranggapan aksi kekerasan yang terjadi di wilayah Sulawesi Selatan erat kaitannya dengan kondisi daerah yang ada di Tana Toraja, akibatnya rasa aman yang menjadi jaminan pariwisata Toraja sulit terealisir. "Pemberitaan melalui media elektronik khususnya televisi sebaiknya tidak terlalu menonjolkan budaya kekerasan di daerah ini. Paling tidak materi pemberitaan yang tidak terlalu penting, tidak dibesar-besarkan," katanya.

Sri berharap, pemerintah daerah di Sulsel bisa menjamin pencitraan daerah ini agar objek pariwisata Toraja kembali menjadi promadona negeri ini bersama daerah lainnya.
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Keindahan Taman Wisata Kyai Langgeng - Magelang

Kyai Langgeng adalah sebuah nama yang diambil dari nama salah seorang pejuang di bawah pimpinan Pangeran Diponegoro, satu di antara pahlawan-pahlawan Indonesia yang berjuang dengan gagah berani merebut kemerdekaan melawan penjajah Belanda selama Perang Diponegoro(1825-1830). Dasar dijadikannya sebuah Taman dengan menggunakan Nama Kyai Langgeng karena almarhumah, dimakamkan di kawasan ini. Makam tersebut masih ada dan terawat hingga sekarang ini. Taman Kyai Langgeng terletak di Jalan Cempaka,hanya1Km dari Pusat Kota Magelang. Berwisata ke tamanini merupakan suatu keasyikan tersendiri.selain taman yang ditata secara rapi, banyak tawaran kenikmatan dengan keunikan-keunikan yang diniliki dan fasilitas-fasilitas lain tersedia di dalamnya. Suatu pesona panorama alam menakjubkan yang dapat mengisi “kekosongan jiwa” para pengunjungnya secara sempurna.
Ketika kehidupan kota yang sarat dengan segala problematika kesemrawutannya membiasakan kebosanan dan kejenuhan, orang membutuhkan suasana baru yang dapat memberi kenyamanan dan ketentraman.kita tahu bahwa saat sekarang kehidupan di perkotaan terbebani dengan aneka pencemaran(polusi) sebagai dampak pembangunan yang terus berkembang. Kemajuan teknologi di satu sisi memang mengangkat derajat ekonomi masyarakat, namun di sisi lain tetknologi memunculkan zat-zat beracun berbahaya yang selalu mengancam keselamatan manusia.limbah-limbah industri yang dibuang melalui cerobong pabrik mengeluarkan gas-gas seperti belerang/sulfur(S) dan timah hitam(Pb). Kendaraan bermotor membuang gas karbondioksida(CO2) dan methan(CH4), sisa-sisa obat-obatan pemberantas hama tanaman seperti DDT,dan sebagainya. Semua gas pencemar ini berakibat terganggunya kesehatan. Saat ini persoalan lingkungan yang sangat dikhawatirkan oleh semua bangsa/negara di dunia adalah semakin memanasnya suhu bumi(pemanasan global) akibat emisi gas karbondioksida(CO2) yang tidak terkendali.belum lagi orang harus memikirkan berbagaipersoalan sosial dan ekonomi yang dihadapinya. Untuk mengurangi beban, ketegangan bahkan stress sekalipun yang dibiasakan kehidupan kota dengan akibat modernisasinya seperti itu, keberadaan sebuah taman dapat memberikan jawabannya. Namun beberapa faktor penunjang yang menjadikan daya tarik harus disediakan, wisatawan biasanya ingin melihat sesuatu yang berbeda, sesuatu yang baru, sesuatu yang spektakuler, mereka ingin berwisata dengan sedikit usaha dan mereka ingin menggabungkan petualang mereka dengan kegiatan waktu senggang seperti berenang, berolah raga perahu/becak air, menyaksikan hiburan musik khas, dan sebagainya.
Potensi wisata yang dimiliki Taman Kyai Langgeng dapat diandalkan. Taman ini mengoleksi berbagai aneka flora dan fauna tropis yang langka. Ada cempaka ganda(Mycelia Cempakca), Dewa Daru(Eugenia Sp), Apel Bludru (Diospiros Rabbola),Nagasari (Mesua Ferrera), dan masih banyak lagi. Suasana alami sungguh terasa di taman ini, seolah pengunjung terbawa “kembali ke alam”(back to nature). Di dalam taman hijau ini terdapat satwa-satwa antara lain ular piton yang berasal dari Kedung Ombo, Burung Mambruk Elang(Falconidae), Bajing, Monyet, Rusa, Ayam Hutan dan beberapa satwa lain. Ada yang lebih unik dan aneh yakni dua lele yang sudah cukup tua usianya. Ikan lele jantan berusia sekitar 24 tahun lebih dan lele betina berusia kira-kira 54 tahun.
Fasilitas-fasilitas penunjang yang dimiliki Taman Kyai Langgeng adalah sebuah kolam renang yang dipisah menjadi dua dengan pembatas terapung. Masing-masing untuk anak-anak dengan kedalaman 1 meter dan untuk orang dewasa sedalam 2 meter. Kolam renang ini dilengkapi dengan menara peluncur bergelombang dan tentunya tempat bilas serta ganti. Di samping itu, pesona lain yang tersedia adalah koleksi patung-patung dinosaurus, gelanggang pemancingan, taman lalu-lintas, rumah akuarium, rumah kaca, panggung terbuka, arena untuk bermain go-cart, sungai untuk nerkano dan arung jeram, toko-toko cinderamata, pasar buah-buahan tropis, lapangan tennis di dalam ruangan dan hotel. Dengan fasilitas-fasilitas yang telah dimiliki tersebut, membanggakan kenyamanan udaranya yang cerah dengan matahari yang selalu bersinar, pandangan alam yang indah dan memukau, keramah tamahan yang wajar dan penuh kehirmatan. Ini semua menjadikan taman tersebut sebuah surga, paduan antara anugerah alam dan buatan manusia.
Taman Rekreasi Kyai Langgeng ini luasnya lebih dari 28 hektar dan berada pada jarak yang tidak jauh dari pusat Kota Magelang dan sangat mudah dicapai dengan kendaraan umum maupun pribadi.
Obyek wisata ini dapat dinikmati dengan berbagai cara misal anak-anak bisa bermain dengan berbagai permainan, ada juga kolam renang yang airnya selalu bersih dan segar atau hanya ingin bercengkerama dengan keluarga sambil menggelar tikar dan makan bersama saat makan atau bisa juga melihat aneka satwa dan flora yang ada di seluruh taman wisata ini. Dengan berkunjung ke Kyai Langgeng bisa merasakan ketentraman kehidupan alam pedesaan di tengah-tengah kota, khususnya di dekat sungai besar yang ada di pinggir komplek wisata dengan demikian para wisatawan diajak untuk meninggalkan kebisingan kehidupan kota sejenak dngan menikmati kehidupan alam yang indah, asri dan alami di taman wisata ini. Kyai Langgeng adalah seorang pejuang dan pengikut setia Pangeran Diponegoro pada Perang Diponegoro 1825-1830melawan penjajah Belanda, yang makamnya berada di dalam lokasi taman dan sebagai penghormatan maka namanya dipakai untuk nama taman wisata yang satu ini.
Taman Kyai Langgeng yang dibangun dan dikelola oleh Pemda Kodya magelang, muali resmi dibuka untuk umum pada tahun 1987 ini sudah mulai dikenal oleh pengunjung dari dalam maupun luar Jawa Tengah. Dengan cukup tersedianya koleksi satwa dan juga koleksi aneka ragam tanaman-tanaman langka juga aneka ragam kehidupan bunga tropis, juga tersedia kios-kios makanan, cendera mata juga hotel yang sangat menyatu dengan alam juga. Jadi tidaklah heran bagi banyak wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Yogya atau Jawa Tengah dan sekitarnya lebih menyukai bermalam di kota Magelang dan pada siang hari berwisata ke semua tujuan wisata yang ada.
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10 Agustus 2010

How To Cure Excessive Sweat? - Natural Treatment For Excessive Sweating

Your body can do a lot of things that can embarrass you in public. It could be anything from flatulence to burping. There is something people have the least amount of control over that has them all worried daily. That something is sweat. Sweat is naturally produced by the body when hot or nervous. It can cause your clothing and hair to be wet and can occasionally cause an offensive odor. You could have this happen at anytime. You could be sitting at school or at your desk at work. It doesn't take much to cause sweating. How do you cure excessive sweat? In this article I will tell you how you can never have to worry about sweating excessively ever again.

What are some of the ways that you can stop sweating excessively? What are the treatment options if everything I do fails?

It really is unfortunate if you have been embarrassed by sweat before. It is a natural occurring substance in the body and it is no fun to be mocked for it. The worse thing is when your odor is noticed.

There are a multitude of ways to help you sweat less but I will discuss one I recommend. I recommend that you drink a lot of water. This will help with your sweating because a healthy dose of water daily will reduce the amount of water your body retains. In the end you will have less water to sweat out.

There are some other steps you may take to stop sweating as much or to hide the smell or sight of it. You could use deodorants to hide the sweat or smell under your arms. You could also wear darker clothing so the sweat is less apparent. Being clean is a good way to prevent body odor, so shower more.
That is how you cure excessive sweat.
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No More Angular Cheilitis! Learn How To Get Rid Of It

It's not just one reason, why Angular Cheilitis should be addressed and cured immediately. It is not because the disease is deadly. It is not because it is contagious. Most of all, it causes too much pain even with little movements. Also, the person who has Angular Cheilitis not only suffers physically, but also with social life. Not a problem anymore, cause it's curable.

First of all, chapped lips considered to be the visible symptom of Angular Cheilitis, should be taken care of. You could apply a balm or cream that is paraffin-based on the affected area.

Second, you should go to your physician in order to get answers as to what drugs and other sort of medications should be taken to put your mouth's appearance back to normal. The frequently prescribed drugs include:

1. Ketoconazole - This antifungal is sold at drug stores as Nizoral, Mycelex, and Monista. This works its healing process on the affected area by altering the cell wall of the fungus that keeps on attacking the body of the affected person. The fungi is then eventually damaged and disappears.

2. Nystatin - The names commonly used to refer it is Mycolog, Mycostatin, and Nilstat. An anti-biotic, it works to fight the infections caused by the fungi or it's sub-classes. Usually, a patient is advised to take this no more than five times and at least three times a day. Though, it's OK to use it more often, cause it's not strong or affecting as the other drugs. This can be availed in tablet or liquid form.

3. Triazole - They are also called as Fluconazole and Itraconazole. Itraconazole should be taken for a long period of time at a regular pace, even for as long as three months, until the laboratory results would show a negative on the fungus. Fluconazole can be in tablet or liquid form and should be taken once a day for several weeks.
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Top 7 Positive Side Effects Of Fast Weight Loss

Can you lose weight super fast without hurting yourself?

The answer is YES.

In fact, I will show you why my experience leads me to believe it is by far the best way.
So if you're desperate to lose weight and hate the though of waiting weeks on end to see results, then this article is for you.

I'm going to share with you the top 7 positive side effects of fast weight loss and why quick results trump those slow, boring results many have been led to believe are the safest.
Let's get started...

1. Motivation
Getting fast results gets you excited.
This is important because the #1 reason most people fail to lose weight is because they get discouraged.
Without results, you will quickly lose motivation and most likely give up.

2. Energy
People who experience a dramatic reduction in excess body fat often find their energy levels soar.
This comes from excitement and the fact that your lighter body requires less energy to move around.
One of the amazing side effects of fast weight loss!

3. Super charged metabolism
Have you ever seen the footage of a roaring forest fire?
The faster it burns through the trees the hotter and hotter it gets and the more forest it consumes.
Well losing weight super fast has a similar effect on your body.
The faster you burn fat... the more fat your metabolism looks to burn.

4. Momentum
A large amount of weight is much easier to move after you actually get it moving.
As hard as it may be to believe, it's much easier to lose weight when the weight is falling off your body in hoards. It's almost like there is science involved here.
Problem that most people have is they lose a few pounds... then reward themselves with a day of eating bad... then try to start again.
Huge mistake.
When the weight is falling off fast, it gives your body the momentum to smash through any plateaus.

5. Compliments
When you lose twenty pounds over the span of a year people tend not to notice any difference and you probably won't get many compliments.
When you lose that same twenty pounds during a month it's shocking to the eyes of your friends and family.
The compliments tend to follow!
6. Confidence
Nothing boosts your self-esteem faster than to see amazing results from your efforts.
It makes you feel unstoppable!
On the other hand, if you fail to see any results you will most likely start to doubt yourself and that causes many to fail.

7. Health
Some experts claim that losing weight super fast is harmful. In some extreme cases it just may be.
But you want to know something even more harmful to yourself?...
Walking around any longer with hoards of excess fat hanging from your body!
Getting rid of the weight super fast tends to free your body from unnatural strain and enhance your heath.
Now these top seven positive side effects of fast weight loss are based on my experience. I do not claim anything here to be fact. Of course, you should consult your physician before attempting to lose weight super fast.

sumber :
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Facts About Acuvue Oasys That You Should Know When Choosing Contact Lenses

Johnson & Johnson manufactures the Acuvue brand of contact lenses. This brand includes the Acuvue Oasys, Acuvue Advance, Acuvue 2, and 1-Day Acuvue lenses. Acuvue lenses use a patented technique called HYDRACLEAR which keeps the lenses moist and comfortable by blending in a silicon wetting agent.

All the different models of Acuvue lenses can be prescribed for near or farsightedness. The Acuvue 2 COLOURS, which has ten available colors, is used for changing or enhancing eye color. It does not correct vision.

There are two replacement schedules that can be used with the Oasys lenses. You can remove them daily for cleaning and then replace them after two weeks or you can wear them continuously for as long as six nights before replacing them with a fresh pair. The Acuvue Advance need to be removed daily for cleaning for a maximum of two weeks and then are replaced with a fresh pair. The Acuvue 2 also has two replacement schedules. You can wear them continuously for up to six nights before replacing with a fresh pair or you can remove them daily for cleaning for as long as two weeks before replacing. The 1-DAY Acuvue, as its name implies, are to be worn for one day and then discarded and replaced with a fresh pair.

The Oasys family of lenses provide excellent ultraviolet light protection. The Oasys is rated at Class I UV protection with 96% UV-A and 100% UV-B radiation. The Acuvue Advance also has a Class I UV rating with 93% UV-A and 99% UV-B radiation. The Acuvue 2 and the 1-Day Acuvue have Class II UV ratings with 82% UV-A and 97% UV-B radiation.

Comfort is always a prime concern for contact lens users. Acuvue lenses are made from silicone hydrogel materials. The Oasys is made from senofilcon A which allows 98% of the available oxygen to pass to your eyes. The Acuvue Advance is made of alyfilcon A which allows 97% of the available oxygen to pass to your eyes. The Acuvue 2 and the 1-Day Acuvue are made of etafilcon A and provides 88% of the available oxygen to your eyes.

Another important factors for providing comfortable wear are keeping the lens wet and smooth. The Oasys lenses use the next generation of HYDRACLEAR technology called HYDRACLEAR PLUS. HYDRACLEAR PLUS embeds a higher volume the wetting agent. This makes the Oasys lenses work well in a variety of environments, outside or inside. HYDRACLEAR PLUS increases the smoothness of the lenses. Blinking is very smooth. You can't feel the contact lenses at all. The Oasys Advance use the first generation of HYDRACLEAR.

There is extra moist version of the 1-DAY ACUVUE called 1-DAY ACUVUE MOIST that employs LACREON technology. LACREON like HYDRACLEAR embed a wetting agent. LACREON technology also make a wet cushion that simulate natural human tears which reduces friction and keep the lenses very moist.

All the lenses in the Acuvue family are easy to handle. They are tinted a slight blue in order to make them visible when they are in their lens case. Inserting the lenses is made easier with a 1-2-3 mark.

There are special versions of Acuvue Oasys for astigmatism and for presbyopia. The Acuvue Advance also comes in a model for astigmatism. With all the different types and feature of Acuvue contact lenses no matter what your vision needs Acuvue will work well for you. 
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Steel Toe Work Boots : The Foot Guard Solution

Work endangerment are increasing by the day, not scarcely due to elements that cause pollution and breathing disorders: in fact the most workers are necessitated to stake into divergent arenas of work oftentimes due to the varying nature of a firm s business enterprise. The risks are most of the time foretold and custodial appurtenance has been reformed into indispensable uniforms in such expanses, where work risks are common. One such product that offers a lot of protections are the steel toe work boots.

These steel toe work boots are not merely specific to workers coming across attainable work connected risks; rather steel toe work boots are turning increasingly up-to-date. This has in the first place been helped due to the exquisite contest between the manufactures of steel toe work boots. The answers being that they are accessible in a plenty of various models and colors. Latterly companies have constructed peculiarly designed steel toe boots that attract to female workers overly.

Straight Off what incisively are a steel toe work boots? What enables them to establish so much invoke amongst industries that face work ventures? The answer lies in in the score, protection and the quilt bid by steel toe work boots. These are essentially long-lived boots that have detailed support for the toe united along with a sole plate these dimensions enable the feet to be kept up from falling as well as wandering physical objects and punctures from beneath.

Traditionally this reinforcement would be established out of steel but now some other build of intricate material and plastics similar thermoplastic polyurethane are increasingly employed. Nonetheless this very steel dependent thorough reinforcement has caused a safety myth to range more or less the markets i.e. the steel reinforcing stimulus can work as a blade and cut the toes off when a noteworthy weightiness falls on it. They reason why this frame of logical thinking stays a myth is because if such a weight were to fall an amputation would either way be necessary. One may question what weight they are alluding to. Great caliber steel toe work boots have even showed to be capable to comfortably negotiate large weights during situations such as supportive the edge of a car, a car running over a boot etc. This establishes that steel toe work boots are unhazardous and just outstandingly phenomenal weights can pose to be a problem.

 Stylish steel toe work boots as well admit good ankle cover, resistivity to wood saws, insulating material against electricity, thorough grip etc. They are still sure-footed to take up a mastered balance between ruggedness and comfort these are mainly alleviated by the role of cushioned forefoot and heel actuate zones.

Once And For All steel toe work boots are very much a necessity in now s treacherous work environs and their applications have not just been special to the industrial sphere. This is very observable because geologists, trekking concerned holidaymakers, security personnel and the military have likewise increasing initiated to utilize this guard feature.
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Why Does Coffee Make You Gain Weight

There are lots of folk who spend their lunch hour in coffee shops who have come to ask the question, does coffee make you gain weight". This is because they put on weight and believe the urban myth that the coffee is to blame.

Well, as someone once said, "It all depends on what you mean" when you talk about coffee. In fact, a medium-sized sugarless black coffee checks in at just 18 calories so obviously that's not the culprit which causes weight gain. However many of the more exotic coffees complete with a dollop of cream can contain as many as 500 - 600 calories. As well, order a flapjack or a muffin and you'll soon be pushing 950-1000 calories which is a recipe for how to put on weight in spades.

So it's not the coffee, it's what goes into the coffee and, often, what you have with the coffee and the size of the coffee mug. A fancy king-sized coffee with a sandwich laced with mayo and a flapjack adds up to some serious calories; in fact, it might be as high as 1500 calories. Depending on various other factors the recommended daily calorie intake for women is around 2000 and men about 2500 which leaves not much to play with after a snack of 1500 calories; but it's not the coffee!

Most reputable coffee shops and certainly the big chains show the calorie content on most, if not all, of their products. Nevertheless, trawl the web and have a look at the calories shown in your favorite coffee shop snack. Many of the tasty and attractive sandwiches have a generous helping of mayonnaise and you will be positively amazed at just how many calories you can total at a lunch break. To say nothing of the coffee shop staples such as flapjacks, muffins and smoothies.

If you like sandwiches (and most of us do)you really should dip out on the mayonnaise and avoid the butter if you want to keep the calorific content with reasonable bounds. There are healthy options and most of coffee shop chains do a good job at providing these which means it is possible to have an adequate lunch of a coffee and sandwich without busting the calorie bank.

Most folk realize that a cooked breakfast every day is not a healthy option. However, it may not be generally understood that some muffins come close to, if not exceeding, the calorie content of a reasonable cooked breakfast. In extreme cases a muffin can add as much as 650 calories to your daily intake.

Another sleeping giant, so far as calorie content is concerned, is that favorite accompaniment to a cup of coffee; the flapjack. There goes a calorie wolf decked out in sheep's clothing especially for calorie content. An average flapjack may contain as many as 375 calories, enough to make a sizeable dent in your recommended daily calorie content.

So now you know; it is certainly not the coffee that's adding on the pounds. In fact, you can be quite sure that you now have the answer to "does coffee make you gain weight"?
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06 Agustus 2010

Buck Knife Information About Buck Knives

Buck knife is a famous American knife brand. Buck Knife is named after Hoyt H.Buck who made the first knife under a new heat-treating technology. .Buck became a blacksmith when he was only 10-years-old. Buck knives Inc are located at Post falls, Idaho.The Company has been known for five generations since 1902. The family business was started by Hoyt Buck and developed by Al buck.At present, Chuck Buck is the Chairman, and CJ Buck is the President & CEO 

Buck Knife the leader in the market
Buck knife has its own craftsmanship with their outstanding proprietory processes which are unmatchable when it comes to quality. Customer\'s feed back is given top priority which has enabled buck knife to be a reputed company for so long. This is evident from the fact how Buck knife has reduced its price due to the requests from the retailers. Buck Knife imports 30% of its total requirements for the American and the World market.

Buck uses stainless steel
Buck Knife uses stainless steel of different types depends upon the compatibility for specific purposes. All of them have sharpenability, strength, hardness, ductility, edge retention, corrosion resistance and wear resistance. Buck Knife makes knives that can be used in different unpredictable conditions like harsh weather, water, salt, air, snow and chemicals etc., Buck knife back up its quality standards with its famous 4-ever warranty.
Rockwell Hardness Scale
The hardness of the steel is determinded by Rockwell Hardness Scale. A diamond tip is pressed into the steel by the Rockwell tester which indicates the hardness on a numeric scale. The hardness is achieved through the proprietory heat-treating process to achieve appropriate hardness. If the blade is very soft, the edge can not be hold and it will not withstand the pressure, torque and the impact apart from the difficulty in sharpening if it is too brittle. The standard for hardness is 58-61 generally. The hardness will vary according to the different types and the purposes for which the the buck knives are made.

Buck knife famous for its edge
Buck knife has achieved its name for retaining the edges for a long time because of their choice of steel for different types. The heat treating as per the specific use of the knives, and the computerized Edge2x Technology enhances the sharpness of the Buck Knife. This automated technology with hand edging enables the edges to last for a long time.

The different Types
Buck knife is known for its field and sport knives and had got accolades for the invention of the famous\" folding hunting knife\". If you say \"buck Knife\" then it means \"folding lockback knives\". Such is the popularity that they have got for their knives including the knives made by others in the same category. Buck Knife is classified under five categories as follows: 1.Everyday use, 2.Outdoor, 3.Hunting, 4.Tactical, 5.Limited edition. Price ranges from below $32 to $200 and the sizes are available from under 3 inches to over 4 inches

Buck Knife designs
Dealers, professionals, engineers, design collaborators contribute to the new design pattern in various ways. Product surveys and field testing are the other sources through which Buck Knife gets its new-design patterns. Buck Knife depends solely on these sources to bring out new designs to the competitive market.

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Personal Branding For Better Visibility

A personal brand online is your personal word of honor that exists in cyberspace. Personal branding tells people who you are, what you do, how well you do it and why they should trust you to do it for them. It also continues to remind customers of these facts time and time again, creating a brand that is pervasive in the industry. 

Raising Your Visibility
Every brand needs visibility, but that isn't just a figure of speech. Personal branding seeks to make you visible both in how easy it is to find out about what you do and to actually bring a visual aspect to that brand.
All branding, even offline brand efforts, should have some type of visual component. Stores often use a logo or a character to provide visual cues and remind customers about the store. Personal branding online can use this same concept to create a visual aide that immediately makes people remember you and your brand. 

Creating Personal Branding Cues
This can be a website logo that you use on your website and all promotional materials, or you can use a picture of yourself to use as your personal branding cue. A professional picture is a popular way to create a branding image that becomes synonymous with the reputation that you create online.
When you market your business or website online, use the image as a way of tying all of the marketing together with the site. When people see the image on your website the first time, it may not sink in. When they see it on all of the promotional materials online, they will be reminded of the site that also contained that image.

Establishing Virtual Visibility
Along with your brand visibility, it's important to build up the reputation that goes with that brand. Part of this is to be pervasive online and to be seen as an expert in the field. Writing in-depth marketing materials that show off your expertise is a way of establishing your reputation. And, by tying all of these into your central business website, you attract customers who already know that you are knowledgeable in the field.
To stay visible long term, continue to add marketing materials to the Internet over time. This large body of marketing work will lead to better visibility online. Customers who see your personal brand on several sites, blogs and forums will come to know you as someone who is successful in the field.
A growing body of work that establishes your expertise also makes your personal brand harder to forget among the many other brands out there. With personal branding, staying visible in the vast landscape of cyberspace becomes much simpler and more effective.
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How To Sell Online For Free

There are any number of ways to make money from home, but with the internet being so readily available, most moms want to know how to sell online for free. Forget Ebay, with its high prices, how can you sell your crafts online or even services, without having to pay a small fortune.

There are several methods of selling online for free. You will need to start off with a few basics, then once you're earning, you can invest in better tools.


The first thing you need is a way to accept payments. If you want to know how to sell online for free, it's vital that you have a way for people to get you money! Paypal is the usual choice, it's free, easy to use and most people have a Paypal account. You can use others like Google Checkout, but you will lose many customers that way.

Next, you need a way to showcase your products or services. If you are really determined not to spend any money at all, you can set up a simple site on Blogger. This is free and you'll be able to sell there. You can also upload photos on Blogger so clients can see what you're up to.

If you do decide to go this way, rather than invest a few dollars each month for a self-hosted website, then be sure to get a custom Blogger template that will remove the bar at the top and make your site look more professional. Remember, we're looking at how to sell online for free, but once you have some cash flow, you need to invest in a domain name at the very least. 

One of the best, free ways to get publicity is to write articles just like this one. Again, once you're rich and famous, you can hire someone else to do this, but for now, all you need to do is write articles using your keywords and submit them, along with a link, to article directories. This is a wonderful way to get some publicity.

Another way to boost traffic to your website is to talk it up on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, just to name a few. And it's all free!

If you're looking to learn how to sell online for free, keep in mind that you're going to be doing everything yourself, at first. Later, once you are pulling in a nice profit, you'll be able to invest some money into your business. 
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Marketing Consultant Atlanta: Best In Business

Internet marketing plays a dominant role in today's world. Your products and services can be effectively marketed through the medium of internet marketing. In the process you ought to be familiar with seo link building, faster website indexing, increased search engine traffic that go to build greater customer base and traffic which would lead to greater revenue. Marketing consultants nowadays are flooding the marketing scenario and many have very innovative ideas to succeed in online business. Of these consultants, the Marketing consultant Atlanta provides marketing service in the most professional manner. The Marketing consultant Atlanta is very responsive to their customers and has many strategies to help augment a customer's ranking in the online business.

A well thought of and planned back link building will fetch a high rank for your website in the major search engines. If your website has more of these back links, your website will rank higher in the search engines because they could thereby present most relevant facts to their users. Seo link building is a strategy where quite often, small business owners fail to implement and lose customers and revenue. Internet Marketing Atlanta is expert in increasing link popularity of a client's content from many online resources. This increases the client's website search engine rankings and increases exposure and reach of the client's product or service.

Marketing consultant Atlanta provides a host of internet marketing services. One of them is Micro Blogging which is a powerful SEO tool that builds an article chain out of one article. Micro Blogging is a powerful tool for link building. Article splicing is another one. Intelligent use of keyword campaigns to make e-How articles rank high in search engines is another strategy. Concentrate on high quality articles and roll them over and over again. All these strategies are adapted by Marketing consultant Atlanta. Video optimization is another gateway to successful marketing. Effective marketing of the video calls for choosing right keywords effectively tagging  the video and marketing the video on dozen of websites all at once are some of the techniques being effectively adopted by Online Marketing Atlanta.

Research shows that these hackneyed television spots serve a very legitimate purpose and cannot be ignored altogether.
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Google Adwords Bidding Process Explained

Way back in the early days of the Internet around 1998-2000, you would just simply setup a Pay Per Clickthe days of the Wild Wild West and anyone back then could make a small fortune.

When Google came on the scene in 2003, it was sort of like this at first. Then over time the costs per click started rising, then other factors came into play like the Google Quality Score. Most amateurs wanting to enter the Pay Per Click Game are doing it all wrong.

2 of the Biggest Google Adwords Misconceptions:
Account at Overture, manually load your keywords or use a Spreadsheet and start a bidding war. You could start bidding as low as a penny per click, and you would actually show up close to the top on a lot of keywords. Those were
  1. Google AdWords is not an auction where the person who pays the most per click automatically wins. This game is much more complicated than this.
  2. The person holding the #1 Position does get the most clicks, however, this is hardly the most profitable position to be in. Right now it's paramount to understand the balance between the best positioning, the number of clicks you want to receive and the price you are willing to pay for each click to ensure maximum profitability.
Google Quality Score Explained
It's possible for someone to bid $.75 per click and get their ad showing higher than someone who is paying $7.50 per click. And if you are just starting out with Google Adwords and don't have some serious mentoring, as well as the ability to understand somewhat abstract concepts, it will be next to impossible for the average person to figure all of this out by themselves.

What Determines Your Google Quality Score?

Your Quality Score is defined by 3 main factors.
  1. Click Through Rate - This is how often people click on your ad. This is defined as a percentage of number of total impressions verses ad clicks. The higher your Click Through Rate or CTR the better your ad is and the better score Google assigns it. This dynamic alone makes up 60 Percent of your Google Quality Score.
  2. Ad Relevancy - Google will look at your ad, and their Search Engine Spiders will follow the URL at the bottom of your ad to your Landing Page or Squeeze Page. They will check the relevancy of this page, by determining if your target keyword is placed on your landing page, how often it is placed and if it is placed in all of the right places. This dynamic accounts for 20 Percent of your Google Quality Score.
  3. Landing Page or Squeeze Page Quality - This process is done not only through the Google Search Engine Spiders but by a manual review as well. The automated part of this process is when the Google Spiders check certain elements of your destination page such as the Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions and Contact Us page to see if they are present  These pages define a quality website someone would like to visit.

Checking For Bouncebacks

The Google Spiders also check for Bouncebacks. Bouncebacks are basically when a visitor lands on your page and leaves instantly or within a few seconds. Sometimes this is known as the "Bounce Rate". They usually leave by hitting the back button on their browser or just closing their browser. This usually happens because they think your websites stinks or it is not relevant to the Ad Keyword the visitor just clicked on.

When developing your Squeeze Page or Website its imperative that it be totally relevant to the keyword you are bidding on. This will keep them on the site, in addition to capturing leads and making sales for your business. Landing Page and Squeeze Page Quality count for the final 20 Percent of your Google Quality Score.

How to Determine Exactly Where Google Places Your Ad

Yes there is an actual process Google has for doing this. They do this by a process of calculating Ad Rank. Ad Rank is your Quality Score x your Bid Price. The higher your Ad Rank the higher your placement. So as you can see a higher Quality Score will largely determine how high your ad will show up.

How Your Cost Per Click is Determined

Your Cost Per Click is measured by the Ad Rank of the person below you divided by your Quality Score. This is done for all the advertisers on the page except the advertiser in the bottom position. They bid one penny less than the advertiser directly above them.

This explanation might be too technical for many people to grasp at first, however if you follow the logic it makes perfect sense. But the good thing is that you don't really need to understand this. All you really need to understand are two things to get started.
  1. As your Quality Score rises, your ad position will rise and your cost will go down.
  2. Since Optimizing your Google AdWords Ads counts for 60 Percent of your Quality Score, this method is by far the best single action you can take to move your Pay Per Click Ads higher up in the Search Listings. This can only be done by split testing ads and seeing which ones pull the best. And you can't just look at an ad and tell this. What's not obvious at a glance is definitive upon real testing.
The process of Optimizing Google AdWords Ads can take from a couple weeks to a few months depending on the niche you're in, how much traffic you can get to those ads, etc..
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Excellent Jobs For Stay At Home Moms That Work

I am going to tell you how you can find legitimate jobs for stay at home moms that actually work like they say they will, instead of a job that over promises and under delivers. I'm sick and tired of the companies out there that lure stay at home moms into thinking that if they work for them, they will start making a lot of money, and when you start working for them you hardly make any money at all, if any. This makes it really hard for the legitimate, excellent jobs for stay at home moms, to recruit home workers.
Believe it or not, but I think that the best jobs for stay at home moms, aren't even "jobs" at all, they are home marketing businesses. There are many great perks to working on your own home business that out way working a job. One is all of the tax write offs that you can get throughout the year. This can save you a ton of money or even make you some money, come tax time. You can work part-time and earn a full-time income within a short amount of time. One of my favorite perks, is being able to vacation whenever I want and for how long I want to. All while still making money. But the best thing about a home-based business is being able to make your own part-time hours and being able to stay home with your family while working.
It can be difficult to find a dependable, rock solid home business that delivers on it's promises. But like I said before, I will help you. I have been a member of home businesses for many years now, and I have finally found a rock solid business with an excellent system to build it with. If you join now, you could be making $5,000, $10,000, $25,000 and even $100,000 bonuses within a short amount of time. All you have to do is become a member of the company and stick with the system to succeed. I have put everything together in a free confidential report for you by clicking the "Jobs For Stay At Home Moms" link in my author box below.
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How To Go About Keyword Marketing Research

Keyword marketing research is the key to online marketing. But what are keywords and how does one use them in online marketing? When someone wants information they come to the Internet and to the popular search engines at that. They'll type in a few words and hope that their favorite search engine delivers back relevant results for them.

Here they enter the search phrase or the name of the product or service they are looking for information on and hit enter. The search engines will then return a list of 10 websites on each page (and the pages could run into thousands) that contain the keywords or key phrases the searcher entered in the engine.

Online businesses target these keywords and phrases to direct traffic to their sites. They research their competitors sits and ascertain how much traffic they are getting and from where. They then research the keywords the sites are using and go all out marketing their site with the same keywords. Chances of their web site landing on the first ten results of the search engines improve greatly.

However there is more to keyword marketing research that meets the eye. IT is not all bout just competitors sites. There may be keywords that relate to the product or service of a site and is being used millions of times in a months. These keywords can be used to market a site on the Internet.

There are other popular programs where web masters bid on popular keywords and the highest bidder gets his or her site linked to the keyword which is then linked to the URL of the site.

The keyword is then placed on the search pages and on other web sites as advertisements where visitors may find it attractive and click on the advertisement to visit the web site. This is called pay per click because every time someone clicks on an ad a certain amount is deducted from their deposit for the keyword. Keyword marketing research tools a re available for free on the popular search engines. Webmasters should make good use of these to increase traffic to their sites.
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Niches Marketing - How Anyone Can Find A Niche

Niches marketing - how anyone can find a niche. Find your niche market first and then start thinking about what kind of product or service they might want.
Too many people are looking for a "product" to sell online. This is a huge, fatal mistake that can kill your business before you even get it off the ground. By starting with our proven business formula, you're going to approach the problem from a different angle. You're going to find the market first, then develop the product.
Look for a MARKET that's easy to reach. Find your market first and then start thinking about what kind of product or service they might want. If you do this, your business is geared for success before you even launch it! This is the simplest rule of Internet marketing, yet it's the one thing so many people overlook. It is the biggest reason so many startups fail. They make the fatal mistake of looking for the "right product" to sell online, rather than finding the right market.
Think about WHO wants to buy your product -- not necessarily who needs your product, but who wants to buy it, and whether or not it's easy to find online. If you can't identify and easily reach that market online, then your business is in danger of failing.
Suppose you're interested in selling to people who are interested in making seashell jewelry, for example. If that's the case, you have a target market that is easy to find. There are forums, e-zines, and blogs all about making your own seashell jewelry.
Sure, it's a small market, but it's one that's extremely easy to target. Here's why:
  • You can easily and precisely define this market
  • You can find out exactly which websites seashell jewelry makers visit to find tips, advice, and products
  • You can find forums, blogs, and social networks where they meet online to trade information and tips
  • You can find out what keywords they are using to describe problems they're having or things they'd like to accomplish
... and that means you can actually make a profit by selling something to them!
Niches marketing - how anyone can find a niche. Find your niche market first and then start thinking about what kind of product or service they might want. Now, even if you already have a product to sell, niche finding still gives you a HUGE advantage. Niche research helps you figure out how to find your customers by learning about all the different problems your product can solve.

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